DC conceptual design

UpTime Technology offers a service of conceptual DC design. The basic result is:

Conceptual DC design includes:

As required and according to additional request Uptime Technology also offers:

Participation in defending Customer’s technological solutions, as well as assistance during a state expert review of a project.

Organizational planning includes:

Project administration at the stage of execution includes:


Why that is so important?

Data Center (DC) is a specially organized technological site for server and telecommunication equipment, connected to high speed Internet and equipped with means of physical and information protection, fire-fighting and climate control systems, uninterrupted and backup power supply, high-performance equipment and software.

Each DC must be initially designed for continuous operation.

Commonly DC is a protected premise equipped with the following systems:

DC, as every industrial facility, is an expensive project in terms of initial investment and further facility operation. Thus while designing a DC it is important to give the highest priority to design quality and applied technological solutions. It is even more relevant currently, as the money value is very high and as a rule the market doesn’t give a second chance. 

Example, how you can make investment efficient.

In the below mentioned Business Case one might see how two main principles – modularity in construction and development, and implementing of energy-efficient technologies – included on the stage of design allow to obtain an economic effect.

The following Business Case provides for the construction of DC with technology of two alternatives:

  1. Classic approach – DC is at once constructed to the full capacity. Technology adopts classic process solutions.
  2. Modular approach – DC is constructed by stages in terms of space and required equipment. Technology adopts modern energy-efficient equipment. 

However external electric power for DCs is similar:

DC capacity limit, kW 1000
DC holding capacity, racks 300
Average capacity for one rack, kW 5
Discount factor, % 10


DC growing, Rack per year: 60 120 180 240 300
Traditional designed DC: 1-й год 2-й год 3-й год 4-й год 5-й год
Investment per rack: $40 000    
Total, DC investment: $12 000 000    
Total, operational expenses:  $1 728 000   $2 160 000   $2 160 000   $2 160 000   $2 160 000 
DC build stages:  $9 600 000   $2 400 000   -   -   - 
Total, expenses:  $11 328 000   $4 560 000   $2 160 000   $2 160 000   $2 160 000 
Accrual basis, total expenses:  $11 328 000   $15 888 000   $18 048 000   $20 208 000   $22 368 000 
Accrual basis, total expenses considering cost of money:  $18 243 857   $6 676 296   $2 874 960   $2 613 600   $2 376 000 
           $32 784 713 
Energy efficient DC: 1-й год 2-й год 3-й год 4-й год 5-й год
Investment per rack: $60 000    
Total, DC investment: $18 000 000    
Total, operational expenses:  $288 000        $576 000        $864 000        $1 152 000        $1 440 000      
DC build stages:  $3 600 000        $3 600 000        $3 600 000        $3 600 000        $3 600 000      
Total, expenses:  $3 888 000        $4 176 000        $4 464 000        $4 752 000        $5 040 000      
Accrual basis, total expenses:  $3 888 000        $8 064 000        $12 528 000        $17 280 000        $22 320 000      
Accrual basis, total expenses considering cost of money:  $6 261 663        $6 114 082        $5 941 584        $5 749 920        $5 544 000      
           $29 611 248      
Total savings on the project: $3 173 465 


If to consider energy efficiency in another aspect, it is obvious that energy saving allows either to minimize the required capacity limit by reducing investment budget, or to use free capacity for additional racks.   

The effect of using released capacity as a result of application of energy-effective technologies is shown below:

  Traditional DC Energy Efficient DC
Power limit of DC:  1 000       KW        1 000        KW
Koeff. PUE: 1,5         1,2        
IT-load: 666,7       KW 833,3 KW
Power for cooling and other energy expenses: 333,3       KW
166,7 KW
If we accept that:
Average of IT- load per rack: 5     KW 5 KW
Number of racks:  133    167   
Average of price per 1 rack per month:  $1 500   $1 500  
Price cost per 1 KWh: $0,14   $0,14  
Income DC per month: $200 000    $250 000  


Also when PUE reduced from 1,5 to 1,2 additionally arises:

The economic effect of reducing the cost of electricity (in case the number of racks are constantly) be: $16800.00

Alternativelywe can estimate the the economic effect of converting the cost to income, namely:

As a result, we get a lower PUE release in the amount of of electrical power: 166,7 KW, which is equivalent to 33 racks with load 5 KW or additional $49500.00 income.



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